DST Root CA X3 expiration (September 2021)

DST Root CA X3 expiration (September 2021)

You might experience issues loading certain websites and services due to the DST Root CA X3 certificate expiring. This is a certificate that almost all websites use to ensure a secure connection between you and the website via HTTPS.

Your first step in debugging should be to update your operating system. Most problems are solved by running the latest operating system available for your machine, and staying up to date will also make you more secure. 

For Windows users who's certificate didn't automatically update
Continue at your own discretion 

  1. Download the latest certificate manually here.
  2. If you are prompted to keep or discard, press "Keep".
  3. Click on the download file and the click on "Open".
  4. Click on "Install Certificate".
  5. Select "Local Machine" then click "Next".
  6. Select "Place all certificates in the following store" and click "Browse".
  7. Select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" then click "Ok".
  8. Now click on "Next"
  9. Click on "Finish" then "Ok"
Close all browsers then re-attempt to access the website or service you was having issues with. If you still have issues after installing the certificate, you may need to restart your computer.

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